CS373 Spring 2021: Yichen Liu

Yichen Liu
1 min readJan 24, 2021


I grew up in Xi’an, China. I’m taking this class mostly because I need an upper-division writing flag to graduate this semester. But I also want to learn python better and build up a nice project that can be put on my resume. My experience in web programming is pretty limited. I took the modern web app class and wrote some java Spring code a year ago, but I haven’t worked on any web projects since then. The first two lectures are very familiar to me, as I have taken two classes with Downing before. And I think cold calling is a good way to keep me engaged in class, especially when classes are online. This past week I finalized my class schedule and prepared myself for the new semester. It’s sad to spend my last semester at UT online, but it is what it is.

